7 Signs You Are Killing Your Metabolism

Are you a yo yo dieter?

Have you tried everything from the 5:2 Cambridge diet, to slimming world and back again?

I'm going to explain how this is KILLING your long term results.

But first...

Did you know that is only takes 3 days of these low calorie diets to cause long term problems to your health?

That's right.

72 hours! And your metabolism starts to decline.


Metabolism is defined as,

'The chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life'

So literally, if your metabolism isn't working as efficiently as it should be, not only will you struggle to build muscle and lose body fat, but the chemical processes that keep you alive are not running efficiently.

Why should you care?

A slow metabolism is the reason you burn off 1lbs of fat in 4 months after hitting the gym hard 3 times a week.

Or the reason you go on holiday for a week and blow up like a balloon eating just a few cakes.

Or the reason you can't seem to digest carbohydrates in large amounts without getting bloated.

Or the reason your friday night dinner, doesn't make it out of your system until Monday.

I can safely say, that fitting into those old clothes hanging in your wardrobe will never be easy to get back into unless you improve your metabolic rate.

So pay attention to the next 7 warnings to make sure you keep your metabolism a hot fat burning furnace and not a dampening camp fire!

Sign 1: You don't eat any carbohydrates.

Along with increasing your calories, carbohydrates alone help increase metabolic rate. After all, glucose is the bodies preferred energy source! So make sure you have some carbs in your life! Remember, a great way to improve your bodies ability to use carbohydrates, is to use weight training. Not the spin bike.

Sign 2: You are a yo yo dieter.

3 days of low calorie dieting is enough to start reducing your metabolism. Stop yo yo dieting and start educating yourself on how food works within the body. Weight Watchers, Cambridge, Dr Oz, Dukan, Atkins. Its all nonsense. Learn about food = long term slimness. Find out more about how we personalise nutrition using the Biosignature Method.

Sign 3: You are scared of muscles.

You need to EAT to build a high metabolism. So its either build muscle or build fat. Muscles are great because they allow you to eat more food without gaining weight (they need feeding) and they make you look good naked. Not running, not cardio but MUSCLES add shape to the right areas and make you look fantastic in your underwear. Don't be afraid of muscles! It's only women who take steroids who are big and bulky.

Sign 4. You love to juice!

I tip my hat to the inventors of juice fasts, juice diets and other extreme methods of drinking vegetables. They must be rich! It's everyone else I feel sorry for.

Vegetables are meant for eating.

Removing the fibre and then ingesting whats left (sugar water) is a nightmare for most people's blood sugar. If you're young, healthy and lean then they're no problem. If you're overweight, looking for fast fat loss and start jucing you're in for a suprise.

The first 3 days you'll lose a ton of weight (see previous problems with low calorie foods for 3 days)

Then once you stop the diet, you add all the weight back PLUS SOME, as soon as you start eating 'normal' food again.

Yep, your metabolism has reduced and now you can't eat as much as you used to without gaining weight.

Juice sellers 1, your waistline 0

Sign 5. You are a cardio bunny, or you love gym classes.

Sorry to tell you this but cardio in the normal sense of the word is completely inefficient at burning large amounts of body fat, sculpting the body and giving you that toned look. Cardio trains your body to be weak (lose muscle), makes it efficient at storing fat and if you can stick to it for long enough you end up looking like a skinny marathon runner. If you want to look toned, strong and slim, then you must learn to eat properly and lift weights to sculpt the body. Find out more about our Personal Training program.

6. You try to eat LESS to lose fat.

The body is very clever. If you try to treat it like it's stupid it ALWAYS comes back to bite you. So as soon as you start reducing your calories, your body responds by burning less food. Burning less food = decreased metbolism. Moving MORE should always be the first point of call. Never to drop your food.

If dropping your food to lose bodyfat is the only method you use, you will always have to eat low calorie food. That means you can never eat a burger, or a piece of cake, or some chocolate. In my opinion, this is no way to live.


7. You eat nothing but 'clean food'.

In the fitness world, clean food is often referred to as healthy natural ingredients, like chicken and vegetables. But the problem with this is that it doesnt contain a lot of CALORIES. Make no mistake about it my friends, calories are King.

At RMF we use cheat meals, free meals, cheat days and high carb days all to keep metabolism high, so that our girls can burn off fat and still go out and eat burger and cake each week!

Are you committing any of these metabolic sins?

Do you need help?

Grab yourself a free discovery call today and see how we can help you fit into your old clothes, reduce your love handles or feel more confident in yourself.

As with all our calls, our aim is to find out about you and your goals and to see if we have a program that may suit you.

If we do, that's great! But if we don't, that's okay too!

But there is only one way you're going to find out. Fill out your details now.

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